Harmful Algal Bloom
Found a HAB (harmful algal bloom) in Saint Albans Bay, Saint Albans VT. Was able to collect samples and identify the forms of...
Identifying Failing Onsite Systems on Lake George
Proud that Avacal Biological's algal collection, identification and analysis work is helping to make a difference. Recent article about...

Artistic Project
With the natural relationship between algae (the base of the aquatic ecosystem) and many other aquatic organisms, I have been researching...

Toxic Waters
A freshwater Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) is any excessive amount of algae that causes negative or harmful impacts on other organisms, water...

Heavy Metal Pollution and Algae
Heavy metal pollution poses a series threat to freshwater resources. Metals find their way into the aquatic ecosystem via weathering of...

Acid Rain and Algal Growth
Acid Rain or atmospheric deposition that contains higher than normal concentrations of nitric and sulfuric acid has an impact on both the...

Sewage Spills and Algal Blooms
With recent heavy rains in the Northeast causing wastewater treatment plants to reach and exceed capacity, there have been overflows and...

"Rock Snot" aka Didymo
OVERVIEW Didymosphenia geminata, also known as Didymo or Rock Snot, is a diatom (a single celled algae) that can be found within many...

Invasive Species and Algal Blooms
Algal blooms are not just caused by excessive nutrient addition to a body of water; there are many complex relationships at play. As...

Road Salt Impacts to Algae Populations
Living in the Northeast we depend on clear roads during winter to maintain of way of life. Organizations, agencies and municipalities...