Avacal Biological
Writing and Media
We can provide interesting articles targeted to any demographic, featuring engaging information on scientific issues and solutions. C. Parnapy articles have been published regionally within Vermont and New York, as well as nationally for the EPA and NACD.
In addition we can assist you with grant writing, project management and reporting.
Abstracts/ Presentations/ Posters:
C. Parnapy, Monitoring the Effectiveness of Road Salt Reduction Strategies Implemented within Four Watersheds within Vermont; Utilizing Citizen Scientists and Water Quality Data. Abstract and Presentation of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists Conference, March 2018.
C.Parnapy, Algal Biomonitoring Within Littoral Zones of Lake George, NY as Documentation of Water Quality Impacts. Abstract and Presentation of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists Conference, March 2018.
C. Parnapy, A Decade of Algae Biomonitoring Within The Littoral Zone of Lake George NY as Part of Water Quality Monitoring Efforts. Abstract and Poster of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists Conference, March 2018.
C.Parnapy, Algae Monitoring Within Littoral Zone of Lakes as Part of Water Quality Monitoring. Abstract and Poster of the Lake Champlain Research Conference, January 2017.
C. Parnapy, Algae and Biomonitoring, Indicating Organic Pollution. Abstract and Presentation of the Septic Summit, March 2017. https://fundforlakegeorge.org/septicsummit
C. Parnapy, Algae Awareness and Analysis, linking science and public outreach to invoke change and solutions. Abstract and Presentation of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society Conference, January 2015. http://www.neapms.org/programs-abstracts/
Book Contributions:
Our Basin of Relations, The Art and Science of Living with Water. Article: It takes a watershed to pollute a lake, Parnapy C., 2020
Legislative Testimony:
Testimony to the State of Vermont House of Representatives, 1-19-2017, House Committee on Natural Resources; Fish and Wildlife. The Impacts of Road Salt to our Natural Resources.
Keynote Speeches:
Environmental Leadership and Advocacy, YMCA Earth Service Awards keynote speaker, April 28, 2015.
Technical Papers Authored:
Parnapy C., 2011 Rainbow Smelt Report, The annual spawning migration in streams throughout the Lake George Watershed. 2011 Lake George Waterkeeper (unpublished)
Parnapy C., 2010 Rainbow Smelt Report, The annual spawning migration in streams throughout the Lake George Watershed. 2010 Lake George Waterkeeper.
Keppler D., Navitsky C., Parnapy C. Altering our natural streams, A study of the effectiveness and impacts of construction of instream sediment basins in Lake George streams for the removal of pollutants. 2010 Lake George Waterkeeper.
Parnapy C., Algal biological assessment data in 61 of the 2009 stream assessment project sample sites. 2009 Lake George Waterkeeper.
Parnapy C., Algae in the littoral zone of Lake George N.Y. 2009 Lake George Waterkeeper. In house publication, 2009 Lake George Waterkeeper.
Keppler D., Navitsky C., Bozony K., Parnapy C. Algal bloom in Bolton Bay: An assessment of the bay and its tributaries. 2008 Lake George Waterkeeper.
Select Articles Authored:
Parnapy C., What is a Harmful Algal Bloom, Adirondack Explorer, January 15, 2020
Parnapy C., Trout & Water Quality, The Adirondacker, 2018
Parnapy C., Banded Mystery Snail, VT Digger, March 2018
Parnapy C., Brook Trout and Culverts, 2017
Parnapy C., Maintain Septic Systems to Protect Water Quality, NACD Blog, 2017
Parnapy C., The Why and How of Maintaining Your Septic System, EPA Septic Smart Week Toolkit, 2017
Parnapy C., Being Septic Conscious, VT Digger, LinkedIn March 2017
Parnapy C., It Takes a Watershed to Pollute a Lake, VT Digger, LinkedIn, February 2017
Parnapy C., The Impacts of Road Salt to Our Waterways, Soils, and Infrastructure, LinkedIn, VTDigger, Essex Recorder, Adirondack Almanack, January 2017
Parnapy C., Invasive-Banded Mystery Snail, LinkedIn, November 9, 2016
Parnapy C., Green Lawn Care, LinkedIn, June 28, 2016
Parnapy C., Invasive Algae Starry Stonewort Spreading, LinkedIn, May 23. 2016
Parnapy C., Sewage Spills and Algal Blooms, Adirondack Almanack, August 11, 2016
Parnapy C., Adirondack Trout and Rising Temperatures, Adirondack Almanack, July 23, 2016
Parnapy C., Harmful Algal Blooms, LinkedIn, July 7, 2015
Parnapy C., HABs and Climate Impact, LinkedIn, July 6, 2015
Parnapy C., Water Quality Protection, LinkedIn, June 28, 2015
Publication Interview: 10/2019; Featured as the highlighted system operator for Vermont Rural Water Associations Vermont wide publication.
TV Interview: 3/13/2018 https://youtu.be/AIlwpJzJ_NM
Newspaper Interview:10/23/2017 http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/2017/10/23/vermont-struggles-low-salt-diet-roads/755674001/
TV Interview: 5/9/2014 http://www.looktvonline.com/fund-for-lake-george-interview/
TV Interview: 7/23/2014 http://www.looktvonline.com/keep-the-queen-clean-interview/
TV Interview: 12/8/2014 http://www.looktvonline.com/lake-george-jefferson-project/
Newspaper Interview: 10/28/2014 http://poststar.com/blogs/amanda_may_metzger/blooming-interest-in-algae/article_813eca82-5eb8-11e4-a29f-cbfea0235e1d.html
Newspaper Interview: 10/26/2014 http://poststar.com/news/local/lake-george-waste-water-treatment-plant-has-a-trickling-problem/article_9903029c-5cb4-11e4-aabd-a7f34f908bab.html