Blooming Interest In Algae
October 28, 2014 11:38 am • By Amanda May Metzger Post Star I never thought about the cornucopia of algae species until I interviewed...

Water Quality Protection
Many factors are contributing to the deterioration of water quality within Northeastern lakes and streams. Excessive nutrients are...

Biomonitoring Using Algae
Bio-monitoring of lakes and streams is an important part of any monitoring effort. A majority of agencies and states focus only on fish...

HABs and Climate
Increased water temperatures from climate change can cause higher occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs), increasing intensity,...

Harmful Algal Blooms
As the summer season is on us and temperatures are rising, a freshwater Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) could form in nearby lakes, ponds and...

The Beauty of the Algal World
The world of algae is amazing, unique and full of beauty. #Algae