Avacal Biological
Current Projects & Activities
Avacal Biological works on a variety of projects, ranging from environmental research, project scoping and management, to outreach and education.
Algal Biomonitoring and Organic Pollution Presentation
Algal Biomonitoring and Organic Pollution presentation slides from the Lake George Septic Summit

Project: Algal Analysis
Conducting algal identification and application of metrics to determine water quality impacts and assist with solutions. Current clients are from North Carolina, Vermont and New York.
Working with water supply departments to determine causes of phytoplankton blooms within drinking water and potential toxic conditions.
Incorporating algal analysis within bio-monitoring activities to determine water quality impacts.
Assisting research scientists/ laboratories to incorporate periphyton monitoring into projects.
Using algal bio-monitoring to determine potential faulty or under-functioning septic systems located near bodies of water.
Project: Identifying possible HABs (Harmful Algal Bloom)
Conducting algal analysis of samples to determine if a bloom or nuisance growth contains forms of algae that could produce toxins, taste or odor issues. Current clients are from New York and Vermont.
Quick simple analysis to see if your favorite swimming location is safe to recreate in.
Project Identification, Scoping, & Management
Conducting project identification in areas related to stormwater mitigation, wastewater discharge, excessive nutrients, and shoreland/ riparian habitat restoration. Complete project and sake holder scoping, identify and apply for grant funding and conduct project management and over site.
Project: Education & Outreach
Conducting education and outreach through essays, blogs, artwork, interpretive walks/hikes and more. Outreach activities are conducted under Sense & Wonder.

Project: Lake Management
Working with Lake Associations and not-for-profits to evaluate sampling protocols, scientific data review, analysis, report writing and data collection. In addition to database creation and water quality trend analysis.